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Arts Management and Production Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Arts Management Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking review contains 7 Wisconsin schools granting arts management bachelor's degrees, and University of Wisconsin Stevens Point is the best option.

Check all Wisconsin schools providing arts management and production bachelor's degrees and art colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other art major or diploma.

WI arts management bachelor's degree schools:

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Green Bay - Art School Ranking
Viterbo University - Art School Ranking
3. Viterbo University

Located in La Crosse

Edgewood College - Art School Ranking
4. Edgewood College

Located in Madison

Carthage College - Art School Ranking
5. Carthage College

Located in Kenosha

Beloit College - Art School Ranking
6. Beloit College

Located in Beloit

Marian University Fond Du Lac - Art School Ranking
7. Marian University Fond Du Lac

Located in Fond Du Lac

Arts management bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Indiana University Bloomington - Art School Ranking
Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington, Indiana

University of Illinois Chicago - Art School Ranking
University of Illinois Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Western Michigan University - Art School Ranking
Western Michigan University

Located in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Ferris State University - Art School Ranking
Ferris State University

Located in Big Rapids, Michigan

Eastern Michigan University - Art School Ranking
Eastern Michigan University

Located in Ypsilanti, Michigan

University of Chicago - Art School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Butler University - Art School Ranking
Butler University

Located in Indianapolis, Indiana

DePaul University - Art School Ranking
DePaul University

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Bradley University - Art School Ranking
Bradley University

Located in Peoria, Illinois

WI art schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Madison

Located in Madison, 9 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Stout - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Stout

Located in Menomonie, 8 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Located in Milwaukee, 8 bachelor's programs

Marquette University - Art School Ranking
Marquette University

Located in Milwaukee, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Whitewater - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Whitewater

Located in Whitewater, 5 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

Located in Eau Claire, 3 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin La Crosse - Art School Ranking
University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Located in La Crosse, 3 bachelor's programs

Lawrence University - Art School Ranking
Lawrence University

Located in Appleton, 6 bachelor's programs

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design - Art School Ranking
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design

Located in Milwaukee, 5 bachelor's programs

Other art bachelor's degrees in WI:

General Fine Arts: 29 schools
Painting and Drawing: 2 schools
Performing Arts: 22 schools
Design and Animation: 19 schools
Digital Arts: 7 schools

Other arts management diplomas in WI:

Master's Degrees: 1 school

Wisconsin art schools by city:

Appleton: 2 schools
Ashland: 1 school
Beloit: 1 school
De Pere: 1 school
Eau Claire: 2 schools
Fond Du Lac: 2 schools
Green Bay: 3 schools
Kenosha: 3 schools
La Crosse: 3 schools
Madison: 3 schools
Menomonie: 1 school
Mequon: 1 school
Milwaukee: 8 schools
Oshkosh: 1 school
Pewaukee: 1 school
Platteville: 1 school
Plymouth: 1 school
Rhinelander: 1 school
Ripon: 1 school
River Falls: 1 school
Stevens Point: 1 school
Superior: 1 school
Watertown: 1 school
Waukesha: 1 school
Whitewater: 1 school

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